Monday, July 26, 2010

Baby Fever...

These days Adam and I are both having these sudden moments of 
"OMYGOODNESS I want another baby!!" haha. 
We have been praying about it alot, and just don't feel that it's God's will for us to have another quite yet. I wish the signs could be a little clearer haha. 
I am just itching for another one, 
but another baby means things will be changing quite a bit in our lives; money, me, 1 child to 2, etc. I feel like we are finally settling into our little family of 3, and I can't figure out if that's good or bad. I don't want to get to comfortable here 
and be totally knocked over by having 2 to take care of haha. 
I'm sure you 4 children families are laughing at me now!! 
All this to say, would you pray for us?? 
Pray that we will trust in God's perfect timing, 
and just be content where we are!! 
Until then 3 we shall be!!