Snow, Mountains, Lakes, skiing, hot tubs, saunas... and this place has it all!! Adam and I got home late last night from Lake Tahoe. The beauty of that place is hard to put into words. On our way into Tahoe from the Reno airport we saw rolling hills, and desert! And all the sudden a huge mountain covered in snow. We went straight from the airport to this peak that Brandon wanted us to climb to see the view... I was reluctant at first, but it was soo worth it! When we got to the top this is what we saw...
South Lake Tahoe
Totally worth the climb!!! The next day we went snowboarding, and I ate snow for a good 3 hours before giving up and deciding skis were the best route for me... Adam is awesome at snowboarding! This is only his second time ever and he was jumping boxes, and doing tricks... I'm so impressed with him haha. There is so much to write about this trip that it's not all going to fit into one blog... So just read when you can!!
Me and Adam right after we got done for the first day
Me walking down the mountain, giving up on the snowboard lol
Adam and Brandon on the slopes
Adam and Rob... silly boys
Adam jumping onto a box, he landed it too :)
Adam and I on the lift, just had to prove I was there :) I was usually taking the pictures not being in them haha
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