Friday, April 30, 2010

Pest Problem....

We have Carpenter bees outside on our utility shelf! For 2 weeks now I kept hearing this ticking sound and I knew it was a mouse or anything, so I did some research, and I'm about 99.9% sure it's Carpenter Bees... Now what??!!!?? I cleaned everything off the shelf, but if there's one thing I don't do, it's BEES!!! Adam is going to try to drag the shelf to the road for the garbage man to come pick up, but I'm scared to think what we're going to find when we pull that shelf off the wall... Hope they haven't burrowed into the house!! :-/

If you look closely you can see 2, half in. round holes... Apparently the bees burrow into the wood and make tunnels throughout it to form a nest. These are the only holes i have discovered so far, but by the amount of sawdust I have found, I know there are more...