Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We're sensitive around here...

This post is for anyone who has a child with sensitive skin. I thought maybe it would be helpful to others dealing with these issues to know what products we use, and how we handled the issues of dry skin, eczema, and break outs. 

Since the day Tori was born, she has had sensitive skin. The hospital gave me a small pack of pampers diapers, and it took me around a week to figure out she was allergic to the diapers. After some trial and error I realized that ONLY Huggies snug and dry would not break out her little bottom, and for a month and 1/2 I had to make my own baby wipes out of paper towels, until I finally found a wipe that she could handle. As she has grown up we have had 2 cases of the hives, just from someone putting something on her skin, that was not pre-approved by me. Though it has gotten better, and some things she can tolerate much better that she used to be able to we still have break outs from time to time, dry skin issues, and eczema issues. We have prescription hydrocortisone, take baths a little less often that normal, and lotion daily with Aveeno lotion.  3 months ago cupcake icing left little red smears where she had gotten it on her cheeks, and just Sunday a friend of mine made some AMAZINGLY yummy spaghetti sauce, and Tori had red spots wherever it touched her skin!! Usually this clears up on it's own, and if it doesn't one dose of benadryl does the trick, and we really try not to let it effect our daily lives, but I do have to be careful what I put on her skin. Our most recent discovery; a bubble bath that she can use!!  Tori has only had 3 bubble baths in her lifetime because of this problem, and I am proud to say we FINALLY found a bubble bath, that does not break her out!! She was so excited this afternoon to play in bubbles and I was so happy to let her!!!  If anyone out there is dealing with the issue of sensitive skin here are some products we have used that helped!! 

Here's a link to some of the recipes I used for Tori