Friday, May 14, 2010

Potty Training update

Potty training has been going so well I almost forgot to write about it!! Tori is wearing big girl pants almost all the time, and though we still have some accidents, she is staying dry 80% of the time!!!! I am so proud of her!! We have even made quite a few outings in big girl pants and have not had an accident out of the house yet!! It's only at home when she gets to playing and forgets until almost too late... But she usually makes it with only a little accident. She is so independent, and we no longer have to give rewards, it's becoming a way of life!! Still in diapers at night, but that's to be expected, we are working on staying dry at naptime first, then we will work on all night :) My baby is OFFICIALLY a big girl!! So bittersweet! :(