Saturday, February 13, 2010

books, books, books...

Growing up I LOVED books! Even before I could read I loved books and being read to. It's so much fun to instill the love for books in my own sweet girl. I read books to her, that were read to me when I was little, and it's so fun to read the stories as an adult and remember hearing them when you were little. To me books are little treasures. I cannot wait until we have a huge bookshelf filled with books of all kinds. Tori loves to be read to. There are days I will find her sitting in her room with piles of books around her, and one open in her lap. I love to see which book she will pick out each night, and I especially love walking down memory lane with sweet little Tori and being happy to oblige each time she says "Again Mommy!!"

We also get books each month from the Imagination Library! You can sign your child up for free and receive free books based on their age. Today we got Corduroy in the mail today! One of my childhood favorites! Tori and I have read it 4 times already.
If you want to sign-up for imagination library click the link below and click "first time visitors."